Photography / Content Creation


Is your company, product, brand or news seen and heard? Do you and your company want to communicate your goals, brand identity or values in a convincing and up-to-date way? Do you want individual photos and content that will boost your reach, number of followers and online presence? Then contact us and we will work out the right content marketing strategy with you.

Then you’ve come to the right place.

May we introduce:

As an agency for content marketing, we create a content strategy for you, research the right keywords and topics that really interest your target group, write your texts and monitor the performance of the content created. And best of all – we are familiar with the SEO requirements of search engines such as Google and incorporate our know-how into every piece of content.

You want to increase your reach,
 boost your brand,
convey values,
or gain new customers?

Your Agency for Content Marketing

Contact us now”!

Our Services


As an agency for content marketing, we first analyse your existing content and define the goals together with you. We identify the most optimal channels for content publication, content types and research SEO keywords for you. We also find out what your potential customers are looking for and then prioritise the type of content creation based on this. We always work in a target group-oriented way, because this is the only way to create relevant content.



In accordance with the interest of your target group, we start writing the text, which always takes into account SEO optimisation for Google & Co. We create the text for your website, because this is your business card on the web. We also create product texts that do more than just describe your product, but also tell a story, touch emotionally and awaken needs. Finally, we enter the texts into your systems.



Newsletters are a chance to build a loyal audience. We create newsletters for you that stimulate and answer questions. As another content opportunity, we offer the creation of relevant articles, where we focus on placing you strategically relevant for keywords and topics of your target group. Blog posts are another strength in content marketing. As they are not promotional, but still sell your products, services and messages. Moreover, they are more up-to-date than ever and can be diverse and cover any topic.

Social Media

We design and develop holistic, convincing social media content in the form of feed contributions, stories, reels or even ads for your sustainable success. In doing so, we include meta-information as well as channel- and medium-specific requirements so that your target group gets played out and perceives it.

PHoto & Video

We create image worlds for you that are precisely tailored to the requirements of you and your target group. We support your PR with authentic employee or company portraits. We are also happy to help you increase sales. This includes product or mood photos, for example.


It’s not over yet when you’ve entered the content you’ve created! Now it’s time to monitor the ranking on Google and Co., check your visibility developments and monitor the traffic. We take care of this and provide you with reporting with defined KPIs that are transparent for you.

No more bad pictures & Content


Our mission as a content marketing agency is to translate your business goals into social media strategies and thereby help your company succeed online, at the pulse of your target group. In our experience, the best content comes from the company itself. We identify this content in cooperation with you and develop interesting and sustainable content for your target group.



Contact us now!

Why is content important?

Content is the guarantee of success on the web – when it comes to visibility, image and the relationship with customers. In the long term, a targeted content strategy and good content on your website can generate sustainable traffic and reach potential customers who ultimately ensure sales.

Our advantage in Frankfurt

The ideal location of our social media agency in the heart of Frankfurt at Eschenheimer Tor puts us right in the middle of the action. Surrounded by cool venues, locations and settings, our urban environment creates trendy, modern as well as historical backgrounds for your photos. We always keep our eyes open for new hotspots for cool content ideas and photos for our clients.

Miriam Ernst Consulting, hashtags, hashtag, SEO, Social Media


How to choose the right hashtags for your social media? The very first hashtag that was ever used in social media was the hashtag #barcamp. Chris Messina, a social technology expert used this hashtag in 2007 on the platform Twitter. His intention behind that was to gather discussions and online exchanges referring to Barcamp, which

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KPI = What is this, anyway?

KPI is the short form for Key Performance Indicator. This numerical value shows you whether your team/company is achieving the set goals. For assessing the measurable performance of an individual or entire business processes KPIs have proven to be the most effective method. But what can be done with the captured KPIs? The answer is

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Google ranking: 6 mistakes you should avoid

Appearing as high at the top of Google search results as possible is a must today in order to appeal to your target group. In order to achieve this, your website and its content should be SEO-optimised. SEO is short for search engine optimisation and means optimising your website to achieve the best possible ranking

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